

发布人:日期:2022年06月17日 17:00浏览数:

报告题目 Composition operators on Bloch and Hardy type spaces

报 告 人陈少林 教授(衡阳师范学院)



报告摘要The main purpose of this talk is to discuss Hardy type spaces, Bloch type spaces and the composition operators of complex-valued harmonic functions. We first establish a sharp estimate of the Lipschitz continuity of complex-valued harmonic functions in Bloch type spaces with respect to the pseudo-hyperbolic metric, which gives an answer to an open problem. Then some classes of composition operators on Bloch and Hardy type spaces will be investigated. The obtained results improve and extend some corresponding known results.

报告人简介陈少林,衡阳师范学院教授,湖南省杰出青年基金获得者,湖南省青年骨干教师。已在《中国科学》《Indiana Univ. Math. J.》《Math. Z.》《J. Func. Anal.》《Israel J. Math.》等国内外数学杂志发表学术论文50余篇,2014年和2020年分别获湖南省优秀博士学位论文奖和湖南省自然科学三等奖(排名第1),主持国家自然科学基金3项、国家科技部项目2项。

上一条:分析系列报告:Local distortion, multiplicity and boundary behavior of harmonic mappings

下一条:分析方向Workshop(2022/06/17 14:20—18:00,报告人:王跃飞研究员、杨大春教授、刘劲松研究员、吴军教授)

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