
组合与运筹系列报告:Anti-Ramsey problems in generalized Petersen graphs

发布人:日期:2021年06月03日 08:11浏览数:

报告人:刘慧清 教授(湖北大学

时 间:2021年6月3日上午09:30-10:30

地 点:腾讯线上会议ID:216 628 172

报告摘要The anti-Ramsey number Ar(G,H),introduced by Erdos, Simonovits and Sos in 1973, is the maximum number of colors in an edge-coloring of G with no rainbow copy of H. In this talk, we will present some results on the anti-Ramsey numbers in generalized Petersen graphs for cycles.


下一条:南京大学杨俊锋教授应邀来院作学术报告:On the Proximal Point Algorithm

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